Chronically Congested Sinuses
When my massage therapist suggested I see Dr. Tano Welch for chronically congested sinuses in spite of prescription medication, I was skeptical. After the third time she mentioned his name, curiosity outweighed my skepticism and I decided I had nothing to lose. I found out I had much to gain. On the first visit, Dr. Welch identified chlorine as a stressor, and since I had been swimming three times a week, that turned out to be a big deal. For the past ten years, I’ve seen Dr. Welch periodically and been treated for food sensitivities, environmental and seasonal pollens, animal dander, barometric pressure, various scents, soaps, smoke, dust and some things I never imagined, such as jewelry metals that made it impossible to wear earrings. Then there were things I was eating or drinking that I thought were supposed to be good for me, such as green tea, soy and Stevia, but my body was reacting to them. Now none of these things cause problems. Equally surprising were the things that testing showed I’m not sensitive to. For instance, from childhood, I’d been told to stay away from chocolate because I had eczema. Turns out I wasn’t sensitive to chocolate at all, ever. Think of all the years of chocolate I missed!
Dr. Welch and ATT are on the cutting edge of medical science. He has mastered the technique and the art of testing and treatment. With his vast experience and knowledge base and the seemingly endless number of things the equipment can test, he can zero in on sensitivities without invasive or expensive testing (no skin pricks or other uncomfortable tests, no blood tests and no waiting for results). The treatment is quick and painless.
I’m very grateful to Dr. Welch and ATT.
Retired dietitian and former director of a public health nutrition program
Kathy Schermerhorn