
Dr. Tano E. Welch is a practicing chiropractor and is the President and Manager of A&A Chiropractic Center LLC. Dr. Welch specialized in the diagnosis and treatment of soft-tissue trauma from motor vehicle accidents and sports and recreational type injuries. He has been qualified as an expert witness in this field from county and state level court proceeding all the way up to federal court where in 2003 Dr. Welch was part of the legal team that won the largest soft tissue injury settlement for an automobile accident. (1.5 million dollars) He has lectured numerous law firms, the Pueblo Chapter of the Colorado Soft Head Injury Foundation, numerous civic groups, on the mechanics, diagnosis, and treatment of soft-tissue injuries from motor vehicle accidents. Dr. Welch is a Summa Cum Laude Graduate of Los Angeles College of Chiropractic and was an instructor at that institution for a number of years before returning to his native Colorado to set up his practice in 1990.

Early in the 2007 calendar year a friend introduced Dr. Welch to the idea of allergy elimination with the Advanced Allergy Therapeutic technology. Dr. Welch’s clinic was one of the first fifty clinics in the United States to invest in, and be trained in the use of this breakthrough technology. Since August of 2007, when Dr. Welch completed his training and began treating patients at his Pueblo, Colorado Clinic he has had the opportunity to treat several hundred patients with this allergy and food sensitivity technology and has enjoyed a very high percentage success rate with his patients.